How to meet Ukrainian women personally in 2024

Find a Ukrainian Wife with Matchmaking

We continue having an engagement every 2 months, just like in the times when men came to Kyiv and had rounds of dates in nice restaurants with bringing bouquets and charming the ladies. But the introduction procedure has changed - we introduce mane and women online first. Then they develop communication and connect intellectually and emotionally. This is a new world class dating trend that appears to be as effective starter as personal meetings. The purpose of online communication is discussing your key life values and relationships expectations and making sure you wish to meet personally because everything between you just feels right.

happy couple on a date

Meeting Ukrainian Women with Matchmaker

When you plan your personal meeting you can either come to the country where she relocated due to the war, meet a lady in your country, or go on a romantic trip together.

  1. Meeting the lady on her territory is the easiest and cost-effective trip. Many of our lady clients relocated because of the war and are no longer in Kyiv. If she is in Europe, it is easy to find fights and plan a long weekend together, even if you need to fly from North America.

  2. We do not recommend traveling to Ukraine now due to the war. Make this trip entirely at your own risk: there are no flights to Ukraine, you need to travel to the nearest bordering country and take a train or a bus to Kyiv. If you come here, you are most likely going to be safe staying in the city center of Kyiv. Main thing, the ladies must be in Ukraine at that time too. Those several men who took the risks to travel to Ukraine had perfect dates arranged for them in Kyiv! With lots of advance planning we arranged personal dates with 3-5 candidates that ended with making matches and continuing their communication after the men left. This approach saved our customers a lot of time and money compared to arranging an individual trip for a lady.

  3. Meeting in your country makes sense if she has a visa (USA, Canada, UK- require visas for Ukrainian citizens) or lives in the same country as you. We recommend that you book a hotel room for her not too far from your home and give her enough space to get to know each other. If you prefer that she comes to stay at your home, you need to discuss it with her in detail and make sure she is comfortable with it and you have a separate bedroom with a bathroom for her. Her staying in your home makes sense if you become very close in your online communications and develop good bonding and trust.

  4. Going on a romantic trip together requires a lot of great communication and trust building conversations online. Good communicators can make it work. Make sure you discuss your expectations about communication: how often you text or call to each other, when you make video calls, etc., so that you feel like soulmates before you meet.

Personal Matchmaking to Create a Family with a Ukrainian Woman

Our matchmaking programs have a lot of coaching sessions aimed to help our customers deal with cultural differences and personality types. We coach how to build trust using the available online tools and support the ladies when we see a couple that like each other.

Our goal is creating a new family! Our Matchmaking Programs are fully equipped not only with personal introductions, but also with dating and relationship caching and post-date feedback, ideas on how to impress a lady, as we know each of our lady clients personally.

Finding a great wife from Ukraine is absolutely possible!

Let’s start!

How a Matchmaker Saves You Thousands While Finding Love My Journey to the Global Love Conference 2024, London